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Welcome to the Taylor Middle School web page and thank you for choosing Taylor!

I am the principal at TMS and have been happily serving since July 2008.

Heather Hoard Middle School PrincipalWe welcome the opportunity to work with you and your student.  I have previously served as a teacher and the athletic director for Taylor Middle and High Schools for one year. All of my educational career has proudly been served as a TITAN! 

I am a graduate of Eastern High School, Indiana Wesleyan University, and Ball State University. My undergraduate degree is a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice, political science, and pre-law and my graduate degree is a Master of Arts in educational administration. My teaching license is would allow me to teach government, United States history, and psychology and I also have a building level administrator license.

Before entering into the educational field I worked as an adult and juvenile probation officer for six years in Grant County, Indiana. I felt the passion to change my career and pursued a teaching license. My main focus is to always do what is fair and right for the students. I work hard every day to push myself and those around me to be better for the students at TMS. My goal is to work with students, parents, and teachers to build a great community and environment at TMS. We want all students to be proud to be a TITAN!

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the middle school office.

Heather Hord's Personal Mission Statement

My daily mission in life is to find the end of my comfort zone where life truly begins.
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Mission Statement

The Taylor School Community mission is to prepare and encourage our students for success in all life’s opportunities through the foundation of TITAN STYLE.

Vision Statement

Working together as the Taylor Learning Community, we will distinguish ourselves as a premiere educational site, ensuring a life of success and continued growth for all of our students.

From Roots to Wings: Grow, Soar, Inspire