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Welcome to the Taylor High School Counseling Office! 

Office Personnel

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Director of School Counseling
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Registrar
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Counseling Secretary
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Scholarship Coordinator


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Scholarship Bulletins

Click on a title below to review the bulletin.  

Scholarship Bulletin 8

Scholarship Bulletin #8

May 8, 2023

This bulletin is available in the Counseling Office and from Misters Bennett & Richey, the Taylor web page, & senior email. Updates can be found on the “Daily Announcements.” Pick up applications in the CO. Entries marked with an * need to be returned to the CO.

Plummer Nursing from the April Bulletin is due May 15.

Manning is the best legal scholarship around. Two or three new scholarships are awarded annually worth $5,500/year. Renewable is for up to seven years. It can be started with the freshman year all through law school. It can also be used for paralegal. Though need and grades are considered, the applicant’s personal qualities and commitment to a law degree are most important. Deadline is June 1.

Izaak Walton is offering its $500 renewable for students interested in a career in wildlife, conservation, veterinary, firearms, or agriculture. Applicants must submit an essay on their goals and the 2nd Amendment. Previous winners were Daryl & Jason Maple and Sarah & Ashleigh Hafley. Call the clubhouse. Deadline is open.

Filip Janitorial is offering its $500 grant to a Taylor senior in memory of its founder Mrs. Frances Filip. Applicants must have a ”B” avg. First winner was Cree Anders ’22. Deadline is May 19.

Financial Center First CU, 1935 Dixon Rd., is offering $5,000 in scholarships. You must join, but the process is free and easy.

Dunham House in Kempton is offering its $2,500 and $1,000 scholarships, possibly renewable. Originally for students interested in the area of history, it now accepts applications for elementary. Nick Nguyen ’16 was a recipient.   Deadline is May 25.

The DAV (Disabled American Vets) are offering their $500 scholarship to students who have a veteran relative, due June 1.

Bowen Nursing & Medical is extremely generous. Medical grants are limited to grad school, but Nursing includes LPN, RN, and RN-Bachelors with possible renewals. Need and grades are important. Audia Anders was a recipient. Deadline is May 15.

  1. Reminders:  Be sure to return your Scholarship Survey to me by May 17, Wednesday. We want to recognize you for all your scholarships at Senior Awards Sunday—church, union, clubs, etc. Colleges, for instance, rarely notify us,; this is how we get that information!
  2. Sit in the first two rows of the Cafetorium at Senior Awards Sunday by 1:50 on May 21st. Over thirty of you will receive the Presidential Academic Achievement award, plus Sellers, Spanish and Historical Society cords, etc., etc. Be sure to bring your extended family.

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Scholarship Bulletin 7

Scholarship Bulletin #7 

April 10, 2024

This bulletin is available in the Counseling Office and from Misters Bennett & Richey, the Counseling Office on the Taylor web page, & senior email.   Updates can be found on the “Daily Announcements.” Pick up applications in the CO.  Entries marked with an * need to be returned to the CO. 

There are several carryovers from the March Bulletin; applications are in the CO:

       *Sellers $600 April 15            

         Tri Kappa $1,000 April 12
         Solidarity $1,000 April 15
        Koontz $1,500 April 12
        Wyman IUK $500 April 14

There are several farming scholarships.  If you have a farm background, see Mrs. Edwards, and I will call you
to look at them.

Indiana Heartland CU is offering two $1,000 scholarships.  As mentioned in the Dec. Bulletin, you must be
a member by Dec. 31 of last year, due April 17.

Indiana Black Expo. Is offering scholarships, based on grades and community, due by April 12.

Kokomo Musicale is offering its Hillis award of $1,000 for a student pursuing music in the future.  He/She must
also participate in school/community music, due April 26.

*Gohil Family scholarships of $1,000 will go to three Taylor seniors.  Two will be based on academics and extracurricular achievements.  The third will include those criteria with need strongly considered.  The family established these awards in 2008 in honor of their children Anisha and Ishan and in appreciation of the education they received.  Anisha is an asst. professor in pediatric endocrinology at Riley.  Ishan graduated in first place at Taylor and St. Joseph College and almost first at IU Medical School.  He is now at Community Howard’s office in Greentown.  Deadline is April 28 in the GO.

*The Sgt. Brad Atwell scholarship is offered to honor the memory of a brave soldier and great Titan.  Brad ’03 gave his life for our country fighting in Afghanistan in 2012.  He was the first Taylor grad to lose his life in combat.  He is remembered fondly by Mr. Bennett for his work ethic and personality.  Students must have a “C” avg.  Three $500 awards will be given.  Last year’s recipients were Alexandria Collins, Anna Schultz-Finkler, & Brooklyn Noe.  Applications are due in the CO by May 1.

*The Scholarship Committee is offering its own scholarships.  It will award $500 grants to three seniors, submitting essays on the topic “My Lifetime Goals.”  The writers’ names should only appear on the back page, so that the

Committee can review the essays anonymously. (One of the three will be partly based on need; anyone interested in it should also submit a copy of their FAFSA showing family income.)  Deadline is May 1 in the GO.

Alpha Kappa Alpha offers six different $500 African-American scholarships with up to six recipients.  Students may apply for one or up to six.  Previous Taylor winners have been Skylar Denman ’10, Tyler Ellison ’11, Mia Taper ’14, Darius Taper ’16, Brooke Morris ’19, Aniya Street ’23.  Go https:/ by April 26.   Send by email to:  


Plummer scholarships are awarded to about six students/year desiring to be doctors (including Pre-Med) or registered nurses.  They pay between $500-$1,500/year, possibly renewable.  Criteria are academics, desire for a medical education, and need.  Some previous recipients have been Tyler Marler ’09 (twice), Allison Lipchik ’10 (four times), & Audia Anders ’19 (three times.)   Go to by May 15.

Howard Co. Home Extension Service is offering its $500 scholarship to a past or present 4-H member or the child or grandchild of an Extension Homemaker Club member. The applicant must be accepted at Purdue or in the School of Health & Human Sciences in another Indiana college.  Deadline is May 1.

Kokomo Men of Note has a $1,000 music education grant, particularly vocal.  A brief letter from Mrs. Decker is required. Highlight of the 2011 and 2015 Awards programs was the Barber Shop Quartet’s musical presentation to Marrissa Tuttle and Heather Street.  Deadline is April 30.

The Kokomo MLK Memorial scholarship, open to all races, is offering two $1,000 scholarships, based on grades, awards, school/community. Previous recipients were Michael Pemberton and Cree Anders.  Need will be considered if the student includes his/her FAFSA showing family income, due April 26.

IVTC offers two scholarships that are extra worthwhile: IVTC Goodfellows and IVTC Sycamore Recreation.  Both are due April 30.  

*Gohil/IUK is offering two $10,000 scholarships with one of them renewable for three years.  The Gohil family has been very generous with scholarship funds since 2008 through the Gohil family scholarships on the other page.  Students will need a “B-“avg., school and community activities, and integrity.  Need is not required but may be considered. Students wishing to show need must include the FAFSA page showing family income.  The family goal is to help Taylor students have a better life and to help those who come after them.  Applications are due April 28.

*The J. Coady Graves Memorial scholarship offers $1,000, renewable three years.  Criteria are grades (at least a “C+” avg.) and school activities. Applicants wishing to have need considered must include the FAFSA page with family income.  Coady’s brother Dr. Nathan Graves ‘04 and April (Mc Nutt) Graves ’02 are offering the scholarship in memory of Coady, who died tragically just before his junior year in 2001.  Coady had a joyful spirit and loved Taylor, especially Track and Band.  Applications are due May 1.

Haynes CU is offering a $2,000 grant to a senior.  Criteria are grades, SAT, and activities.  Past recipients are Molly Peterson ’15 and Audia Anders ‘19. Applicant must have membership, which is free and open to the public to anyone; you can sign up when you turn in your application.  Be sure to include any difficulties you have overcome, due April 19.

Senior Awards will be Sunday, May 19th at 2:00pm, in the Cafetorium.   Over thirty seniors will receive at least the Presidential Achievement Award.  Be seated by 1:50pm.  Be sure to watch for the Senior Survey.  We’ll ask you to list all of your awards, so that we can give you full recognition at Senior Awards Sunday.

Sit in the front two rows.  Bring your extended family!!

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Scholarship Bulletin 6

(Note: This is the largest bulletin so far this year!  Be sure to APPLY!    Many organizations guarantee ONE Taylor recipient meaning there is no competition with students in other schools.)

Scholarship Bulletin #6

March 8, 2024

This bulletin is available in the Counseling Office and from Misters Bennett and Richey, the Taylor web page, & senior email. Updates can be found on the “Daily Announcement;” for parents to receive them
daily, contact the school secretary, E1190.  Pick up applications and information  in the CO.   Entries marked with an * need to be returned to the CO.

*The Sarah Fleek scholarship is new this year.  She was a long-time kindergarten teacher at Taylor,
wife, and mother.  The amount will be $500.  Criteria are determination and need with some consideration for Taylor interns, due in the GO April 1.

*The Cindy Mapes scholarship is also new.  Ms. Mapes taught 38 years at Ind. Hts. and TMS, retiring in 2013. She was a conscientious teacher and kind person.  Applicant must have a record of positive attitude in his/her classes.  Amount will be $1,000, due in the GO April 1.

Deegan applications for senior women are still open till March 19. Info. is in the Scholarship Box.

*Sellers applications have been slow to come in.  This is basically automatic if you have a “C” avg.  The amount will be based on the balance in the Fund and the number of applicants.  Estimate is $700.  Due date is April 15 in the CO.

*Class of ’70 is looking for three $1,000 recipients for their scholarships.  Criteria are grades (7.9), extra-curricular, community, and character. One each will be based on need, recommendation of a ’70 grad,
and general.  (You may apply under one or all three categories). Previous recipients were: Kendall Lanning, Madison Estok, Nathan Keene, ’21, Regan Hillman, Jordin Sandefur, Taylor Schmidt ’22; Lexi Collins, Chloe Johnson, & Sonny Patel ’23, due in the GO April 7.

The American Legion Auxiliary has a $500 local scholarship.  Criteria are grades, activities, and an essay on
your desire for college. Answer each question carefully.  Deadline is April 10.  The applicant must show a
family veteran connection.  Previous recipients have been Marrissa Tuttle ‘11, Caleb Copp ‘14, Heather Street
‘15, & Liz Marden “’19.

The American Legion Auxiliary also has a $500 district scholarship.  Criteria are similar to the local, including
the need to show a veteran connection.   Previous recipients were Ron Johnston, Amanda Barton, & Emily Dill.  Deadline is April 10. There are also other ALA scholarships available at  

Howard County Retired Teachers are again offering their $1,000 scholarship for a future teacher.  Alyssa McElwain ’12 and Caleb Copp ’14 were recipients.  Application is due March 22.

Tri Kappa offers four scholarships: Two general scholarships of $1,000 stress academics.  The two Barb Peele of $500 focus on need.  Both look for community service and leadership.  A student may apply for both.  Recent winners have been Courtney Schroeder and Marrissa Tuttle ’11, Mc Kenna Deckard ’14, Ashley Nguyen ’16, and Destiny Booth ’20.  E-mail the application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by April 12 .

*The Andrew Fernung scholarship. in memory of Taylor’s first superintendent, will go to deserving seniors.
The two $1,100 grants are based on academics, activities, choice of occupation, and need (if student submits
family income on the FAFSA).  Consideration is given to children of Taylor employees (not limited to teachers).  Return to the GO by April 7.

*The Harland family scholarships will award three $1,400 grants based on academics, school and community
involvement, and in-state.  Applications are due in the GO by April 7.

Kokomo Kiwanis Foundation is offering one $1,000 grant to a Taylor senior.  (We already had the Kokomo Kiwanis.)  Criteria for this grant are parents’ income, school & community activities, in-state, Parents’ membership is preferred but not required, due March 21.  

Solidarity CU is offering 13 $1,000 scholarships, including vocational schools.  You must be a member at
the time of application; however, membership is free and open to anyone.  It is due April 15.

`Apprenticeship programs are great for students who like to work with their hands.  The education to get a journeyman’s card is usually very inexpensive. Leave your name in the CO to see Mr. Short.

Financial Builders Credit Union offers four $1,000 scholarships based on need, grades, community, & jobs.  These are worth the trouble as there are few applicants willing to write the essays. (Student does not have to be a member.) Audia Anders was a recipient.  App. is due April 1.

The Koontz Scholarship is in memory of Deputy Karl Koontz, who was killed in the line of duty. The Koontz
Scholarship Committee is looking for students who are and will be involved in the community.  One Taylor
senior will receive $1,500. Recipients have been Madison Estok ’21, Jordan Sandefur, ’22, and Brannon Hovis, ‘23, due April 12.

The Wyman Group is offering $500 for a future IUK student who has contributed to community service, due April 14.

 Tip: Check your parents’ employment, church, union, sorority, etc. for scholarships!

FAFSA information will be presented here on March 12, 6:00, Media Center.  FAFSA deadline is April 15.

Awards Sunday, May 19, 2:00-3:30, Cafetorium:  Over forty seniors will be recognized!

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Scholarship Bulletin 5

Scholarship Bulletin #5                                                                                                                    

Feb. 16, 2024

This bulletin is available in the Counseling Office, Misters Bennett & Richey, the Taylor web page, & senior email.  

Updates can be found on the “Daily Announcements”.  (For parents to receive them daily, contact HS office, 453-1101. E1190.)  Pick up applications in the CO.  Entries marked with an * need to be returned to the CO.

*Sellers applications will be available till April 15.  Seniors and graduates with a “C” avg. will likely be approved. This year’s amount is estimated at $700.  ALL TAYLOR SENIORS PLANNING COLLEGE SHOULD APPLY!

Encompass Credit Union of Tipton is now including Taylor in its scholarship program! Need and merit will be considered.  At least one $1,000 scholarship is intended for a Titan.  Membership by parent or student is required; go to the new office on 931 next to Texas Roadhouse.  Apply online by March 1 at  Click “Apply Now” and then “Walter York Memorial Scholarship.”

The Kokomo Fire Dept. has a new scholarship for $750.  It is in memory of Capt. Marty Meyers, who passed from Covid in 2020.  Criteria are grades, school & community activities.  Some preference (but not required) will be given for students interested in firefighting, police, & EMT.  For more info., call Ryan at 457-2636, due
March 1.

IUK gives a number of scholarships.  We’ve had several recipients:   Class of ’21 were Jill Patel, Hadley Owens, Madison Boothby, & Josh Bowman.  Class of ’22 were Karmin Banter and Eli Harris.  Class of ’23 were Sunny
Patel, Kaiden Blane, Ayden Mills, Miranda Saldana, & Cody Groves.

     The Dean’s pays $1,500/year, renewable.  Students must have SAT of 1060 in math and reading, top 20% of class, academic or core-40 honors diploma, priority for early admission by March 1.

     The Chancellor’s pays $2,500/year, renewable, plus laptop.  Students must have a SAT of 1200, top 10%, academic honors diploma, and early admission of Nov. 15.

     Direct Admit pays $2,500/year, renewable, plus laptop, & $1,000 travel.  Students must have a SAT of 1220, top 10%. 

      IUK Pre-Professional pays $2,500/year, renewable to students planning to enter one of the professions, such as physician, dentist, optometrist, chiropractor, vet, or physical/respiratory therapist, etc.   Students must have top 10% and 1230 math/reading SAT. Students will also receive a laptop, $1,000, travel, etc.  Deadline is March 1 with a separate application.

 IUK Diversity pays $1,500/year renewable.  Students must have a 2.5 and apply by Dec. 1.

 ASAP pays $1,000/year renewable for IVTC students who transfer.  Students must have a 2.5.  Athletic scholarships are determined by individual coaches.

       These and many more scholarships can be found at  Click “Types of Aid,” “Scholarships,” and “IUK Scholarships.”  You can also go to Facebook and search “IUK financial aid.”  

LaVerne Noyes wanted to show his appreciation for those who fought in WW I.  In his Last Will & Testament, he left funds for a scholarship for lineal descendants of WW I vets.    It states his scholarship is intended, “to express his gratitude to those (and their descendants) who ventured the supreme sacrifice of life for this country.” Grades are not considered, but need is.  The scholarship can be used at fifty colleges, including three in Indiana: IU, Purdue, and Wabash. Students need the veteran’s discharge.  If not available, you can get help at 800-400-4520.  Priority is given to students who file their FAFSA and application by March 1. Students should check their Financial Aid Office.  Erin Rodriguez received this grant.

Veterans’ Children Grant offers full tuition & fees at any Indiana public college (Purdue, IVTC, etc.).  You would be eligible if your parent was wounded or killed in action, received the Purple Heart, or was held as a POW Vietnam. 

You will also be eligible if your parent suffered a service-connected disability.  (The VA rates disabilities from 0 to 100%; a 0 rating is sufficient to qualify.)   For info.  call 800-400-4520 or visit and click “forms.”   Abbi Brooks ’17 was a recipient.

The GI Gulf War program allows dependents to use part or all of their parent’s grant.  Financial aid officers can help. Elora Klepinger ’17 and McKenna Deckard ’14 used part of their dads’ allotments.

IUPUI offers a Diversity Research Scholars program which pays all tuition, books, and possibly housing.  Students must be in the top 25% of their graduating class, SAT of 1070, a B avg. in math and science, and interest in research.  Ethnic students are encouraged to apply.  Go to the IUPUI web site by March 1. 

Howard Co. Farm Bureau will be giving two $1,000 scholarships to seniors living in households that are policy- holders or members. Criteria are need, involvement, and determination. Previous recipients were Spencer McQueary, Courtney Schroeder, & Chris Cochran.   Deadline is March 1   

Howard Co. Sports Hall of Fame wants to honor a student athlete.  Applications are in the GO and need to be turned in there by March 1. One Taylor student will receive $500

Tri Kappa offers four scholarships: Two general scholarships of $1,000 stress academics.  The two Barb Peele
of $500 focus on need.  Both look for community service and leadership.  A student may apply for both.  Recent
winners Ashley Nguyen and Destiny Beth, due by March 18.

21st Century @ Purdue is offering a full-ride (tuition, books, and housing) for 21st Century scholars if family income is below $50,000.  Student must submit FAFSA by March 1 and put Purdue as first choice.  (IUB is just as generous with the benefits AND doesn’t have a limit on current family income.)

The American Legion compiles huge numbers of scholarships. You can go online to

Deegan grants up to $1,500/year, renewable, to five single girls to either two or four-year programs. Need is the main criteria.  Also considered are jobs, school/community.  This one is a “must” for senior girls.  Recipients were Allison Pemberton ’20, Jordan Sandefur & Eliz. Newlin, ’22.  (Allison Lipchik ’10 received this four times).  Go to the link in the Scholarship Box.   Deadline is March 19.

FAFSA is due April 15 for those who haven’t submitted it.  Also, “College Goal Sunday” will be Sunday, Feb. 25, 2:00 to 4:00, IU-K Library.  Take your 2022 tax papers.  Counselors will file for you.

Ms. Boruff will have a session on FAFSA , Tue., March 12, 6:00. Media Center 

The FA offices at both local colleges are very willing to help, regardless of whether you will attend there.

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Scholarship Bulletin 4

Scholarship Bulletin #4                                                     
Jan. 15, 2023

This bulletin is available in the Counseling Office, Misters Bennett & Richey, Taylor web page, & senior email. Updates can be found on the “Daily Announcements;” to subscribe to them, see Mrs. Helvie, Ext 190). Pick up applications in the CO. Entries marked with an * need to be returned to the CO for the Scholarship Committee or the sponsoring organization.

Peace Essay Scholarship—The three traditional peace churches—Friends, Mennonite, and Brethren are offering two or three $500 to $700 scholarships. Winners are determined from an essay entitled “Opportunities for Peacemaking in Our Lives.” Students are asked to look for peace within themselves, their families, schools, communities, country, or the world. Grades, SAT’s, activities, and need are NOT considered. A letter of recommendation is required. Taylor has a great track record with this one: Erin Rodriguez, Danielle Glick, Amy Truong, Ishan Gohil, Hannah Akers, Katie Pendergast, & Marie Owens. Essay is due Jan. 23.

The Howard Co. Sports Hall of Fame is offering a $500 scholarship to an outstanding Titan boy or girl. Criteria are C avg., citizenship, and need. Deadline is Feb. 28 to Mr. Leicht. Applications are in the Scholarship Box in the GO.

*Sellers applications are now available. Requirements are: Taylor diploma, citizenship, and “C” avg. Graduates back to ’69 are eligible to apply. Nearly 1,000 have been granted since 2006. This year’s amount will depend on the Trust’s value and the number of applicants. Our best estimate is $600. Applications are available in the Counseling Office and Supt’s Office, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. They need to be returned to the CO by April 15.

Community Foundation of Howard County is offering over twenty local scholarships on one application THS seniors may apply for. This application is a “must” because you file only one application for nearly all the local scholarships.   Be sure to go into detail on the application, so that you will be considered for everything you have an interest in! The Foundation is the largest source of local scholarships! Last year’s recipients were: Alana Johnson, Adams Rotary; Karmin Banter, Carl Anderson; Alana Johnson and Chloe McKay, Lilly Runners Up; Alana & Owen Shimer, Tony Gabriel; Alana, June Brown Hill; Karmin, Sierra Fritsch, Hough; Michael Pemberton, AFL-CIO; Alana, Shuckstrong; Karmin, Thacker; Michael, Wideman.

Deadline is Jan. 31!. All college-bound seniors should apply. Some are based on character, some on athletics, some (not all) on need, etc. Don’t forget the financial aid form, transcript, and references. Go to For more info., call Ms.Blakenship @ 454-7298.

Purdue College of Technology (Kokomo) is again offering $500 to $5,000 in 20 scholarships for students with at least a “B” avg. Logan Wade ’08 received $1,500. Last year, several were difficult to fill. Students need a goal statement, transcript, and three recommendations. The main application covers the 11, and there are separate applications for GM and Project Lead the Way.   To apply, go to, or call 455-9339. Deadline is Feb. 1.

Next Generation Teacher Scholarships of $7,500/year, renewable, will be given to 200 prospective teachers. Applicants must graduate in the top 20% or be in the top 20% of SAT scores. You must teach in Indiana for five years. This $30,000 grant is the largest teacher scholarship available! Apply on by Jan. 31.

*The IHSAA is offering thirteen $2,500 Cato scholarships to students who have participated in one or more of the IHSAA-sanctioned sports. Taylor is allowed one nominee. Students must have a “B’ avg., good sportsmanship, and involvement n school and community. Also, they must be good role models to younger athletes. Interested students should submit a paragraph describing their involvement in Taylor sports, including awards, to the GO by Feb. 1.

New scholarship—The Wooldridge family is working on a new Taylor scholarship. It will recognize their parents, Jerry & Katybeth for their years of service to Taylor Township and Taylor Schools. (You may have noticed the Trustee’s office across from school has been renamed after Jerry.) I’ll have details later.

Howard Co. School Employees Credit Union is again giving a $500 scholarship, plus several grants of $250 to its members or their children in the four county school systems. You must be a child of a member or a member yourself. Criteria are academics, jobs, and school/community. Winners have been Shelby Brown ’13 (three times), Tyler Marler ’14, Mc Kenna Deckard ’15, Isabella Smith & Paige Welsh, ’16, Sistine Dishon ’18; Audia Anders & Mindy Peterson, ’21. Deadline is Feb. 10. (See me if you need an app. for someone in college.)

Hudson-Holland scholarships are available at IU-B for $6,000/year renewable. Primarily for ethnic students, the program requires a “B” avg, M & V SAT of 1,100, and activities. Need is not considered. Participants are automatically allowed to take small-size Honors classes. Erin Rodriguez, Missy Troyer, Amy Truong, Ashley Nguyen, Alandra Riley-Hobbs, Nick Nguyen, & Brooke Martin have received this. Apply online at and click “Prospective Students.” Apply for early admission or by Feb. 15.

The Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution is offering a $500 state scholarship. Students must complete the application and contact Ms. Russell 631-2697 by Jan. 31.  

The national DAR offers a large number of scholarships. If any senior is interested, see Mr. Short or go online at for the complete list or call the above. Deadline is Feb. 15 online PHP is giving scholarships for health-related fields. Go to by Feb. 23.

Christian athletes are invited to contact by Feb. 1.

Section 529 College Savings Plans offer a great opportunity for families to accumulate college funds and receive tax benefits. Funds are deposited in an account where they grow tax free as long as they are spent for higher education. Indiana offers an additional bonus: Whatever funds are deposited earn a 20% Indiana tax credit. If a family deposits $1,000, they receive an Indiana tax refund of $200. For info., contact any financial advisor, go to, or call Mr. Short.

Visits–IUK for a tour and a chance to meet students & observe classer 455-9217. Ivy Tech, 459-0561 (7252)

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453-1101 (184)


Scholarship Bulletin 3

Scholarship Bulletin #3                                           

November 17, 2023

This bulletin is available from the Counseling Office, Misters Bennett & Richey, also Taylor website and senior 
email.  Updates can be found on the “Daily Announcements; for parents to subscribe, call the office (ext 1190).
Pick up applications in the GO.  Entries marked with an * need to be returned to the GO for the Scholarship

21st Century students receive 100% free tuition at any Indiana public college and partial tuition at Indiana private or technical schools.  However, different colleges offer more.  Univ. of Evansville, St. Mary of the Woods, and Marian College, private colleges, grant full tuition.    IUPUI is offering $2,500 for books and housing.  Likewise, ISU is offering an extra $2,000.  The very best deal is at IU-Bloomington and Purdue-W. Lafayette: Besides the usual free tuition, you can also receive free books, room, and food!  When housing and books are added to tuition, this opportunity is worth $24,000 this year.  With usual price increases, it could easily reach $100,000 over the life of your four years of college! 

 Info. on the above and other “extra” benefits  is available  online Click “Resources,” “Financial Aid,” and “Scholar Incentives.”  For overall info., you can call 888-528-4719 or regional rep. Amy Parraga at 317-617-0223.  

 21st Century seniors are required to complete the ScholarTrack and carry a B- avg. (6.5 gpa).  As in the past, they are required to apply for the FAFSA by April 15.   They need to read their 21st Century newsletters!  

Burger King is again planning to award over 2,000 scholarships of $1,000 or much more. BK gives three in Kokomo.  

In ’15, all three went to Titans!  (A Tri- Central student received $50,000). Recent winners were Nick Nguyen, Paige Welsh, & Liz Marden. Students do not have to work at BK. Criteria are grades, work, school & community activities. Applications must be submitted online by Dec. 15.  Go to “Burger King Scholars Application.”

*Goodfellows is planning to give two $1,000 scholarships at Taylor.  Since the two are guaranteed, it is worth the trouble.  Recent previous recipients have been Rebecca Foesch, Trey Gonzalez, Grace Cavazos, Madison Estok, Elizabeth Newlin, Karmin Banter, Cody Groves, & Alex Collins. Before applying, you must help with the Goodfellows clothing giveaway one night between Dec. 3-7 at Kohls.  You must make a shopping appointment with the director John Wiles by Tue., Nov. 21 at 438-9545.   You will receive a signed form after working, which you will attach to the scholarship application.  Besides the chance to win a scholarship, you will be blessed by the experience!  The application and work attachment are due in the Counseling Office by Dec. 15.  The phone call is due NOW!

IUK-Diversity scholarship is $1,500 renewable.  The essay asks future IUK students to discuss their commitment to diversity at IUK, due Dec. 1. 

Check with your parents’ employers.  For instance, Haynes International and Chrysler give several scholarships, to children of employees.  Applications are available in the plants’ HR Departments. 

Looking for something to do over vacation?  

--Why not complete the FAFSA?  You can get information by calling 800-4-Ed-Aid (800-433-3243).  You can file online at To get a head start on your FAFSA and an idea of how much financial aid you will get, go online to  If you need additional help, see Mrs. Marler. 

FAFSA Nite at Taylor—Dec. 12, Tue., 6:00, Media Center.  Complete your FAFSA with a financial aid expert.  Bring your parents, along with their and your 2022 tax returns.

Get started on the Community Foundation application.  

Go to www.cfhoward.organd www.howardclintoncarrollscholars.communityforce. 

21st Century Scholars, if you would like to take the ACT and SAT without charge, see Mrs. Marler. 

To visit, call: IUK, 455-9217; IVTC, 459-0561 (7252), or Kokomo Purdue Polytechnic, 456-7804. 

TIP: Two Credit Unions require that applicants have membership BY THE END OF THE YEAR.  That means if you decide to apply for their scholarships in 2024 you will be ineligible if you haven’t joined by the end of December! There is no charge to join! There are few applicants, thereby increasing your chances! They are: City of Firsts and Indiana Heartland.  City of Firsts, which gives a $1,000 scholarship, is located at 1120 S. Main St.

As a community credit union, it welcomes anybody who wants to join!  Indiana Heartland, which gives two $100 scholarships, is located at 402 S. Berkley Rd.  It is limited to families of certain groups, such as St. Joan of Arc and St. Pat’s churches, employees of Ascension Hospital, and a few other groups (to check on the smaller groups, call 765-854-3067.  These are good opportunities for students who follow the above suggestions!!! 

Don’t forget to do some volunteering over the holidays!  The Rescue Mission needs people to deliver gift boxes (456-3077).  The Salvation Army needs bell ringers, sometimes paid (456-3846). CAM can use help organizing toys, clothes, etc. (438-7547). 

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765-453-1101 ext. 1184

Scholarship Bulletin 2
Scholarship Bulletin #2                                                                                                          
October 14, 2022

This bulletin is available from the Counseling Office, Misters Bennett & Richey, also, Taylor web page, and senior email. Updates can be found on the “Daily Announcements”; to subscribe to them, call Mrs. Helvie (Ext 190). Pick up applications in the CO from the Scholarship Box. You will need to send in most of them. Entries marked with an * need to be returned to the CO for the Scholarship Committee.

Coke will again be awarding $3 million in scholarships, including two-year programs for leadership, com-munity, & academics. Several local people have won, including Ryan Nees, WHS--$20,000.   Ashley Nguyen ‘15 and Tori Gilstrap ’16 were semifinalists. Go to For information, call 800-306-2653. Deadline is Oct. 31. (Coke has some good info. on scholarships included with this in the CO Scholarship Box.)

*DAR Good Citizen is one of the oldest, most recognized high school honors in America. Criteria are dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. Interested students need to complete part 1, no. 1. (Only the winner will need to do the complete app.) After the Scholarship Committee picks three finalists, seniors will be invited to pick the senior who best exemplifies the criteria. Amy Truong ’06. Ashley Nguyen ’15. Audia Anders ’19, and Rebecca Foesch ’20 went on to become county DAR Good Citizens. Return to the Counseling Office by Friday, Oct. 21.

Elks application is now available. The lodge gives 500 scholarships, ranging from $1,000/year to $12,500/year. Logan Kimbler ’13, Ashley Nguyen ’15, & Liz Foesch ’17 were winners. Criteria are academics, leadership, & need. Go to Click “Our programs,” “Scholarships,” and “Most Valuable Student Scholarships” by Nov. 14.

Abby Rethlake scholarship ($500) is looking for applicants interested in the field of Cosmetology. First winner was Kelsey Lanning ’11. Applicants must have a good work ethic and need. Submit application by Nov. 15 to the Community Foundation at
For more information, call Emerald at the Foundation office 454-7298.

National Honor Society is offering over 600 scholarships of $3,000 + to NHS members. Interested members should go to by Dec. 1.

Summit (Salon) Academy is offering several scholarships to current or future students. Call 454-9840.

IU Cox Research pays over $60,000 for a full ride. Students do research under a mentor’s guidance. Go to Admission before Nov. 1 is strongly urged. is a great way to search for scholarships.

Check out scholarship opportunities at

See www.

Go to for excellent college financial information. Other scholarship sites are,, and

The Community Foundation web site is now open at
As Taylor seniors, you are eligible to apply for over twenty of their scholarships.  (A copy is on the scholarship bulletin board in the Scholarship Office.) The great news is that you can apply for all 30 of them with ONE application. (There are 3 others that require a separate application.) This is a real time saver. It is extremely important that you apply for these. They are the majority of local scholarships. To skip these is to really shortchange your chances!

IUK “VIP Day” will be Tue., Oct 25, 9am to 12:00noon — tours, refreshments, free app. & more. Register at 765-455-9217.

Ivy Tech guided tours and information can be arranged by calling 765-459-0561.

Both colleges are offering FAFSA help! Take your 2021 tax papers and parent along! Financial aid advisers will help you get it done there. You do not have to be a prospective student at either college!

Ivy Tech is offering walk-in help.

IUK is hosting “College Goal Sunday” with lots of staff to help you. It will be Sunday, Nov. 6, 2pm to 4pm, Library.

IUK is also offering help on Tue., Oct. 25, Wed., Nov. 9, and Tue., Nov. 15 from 5pm to 7 p.m. in Library 148.

To complete your FAFSA yourself, go to    Mrs. Marler can also help!

Open Houses give you a good chance to check things out:IUK “ViP Day”—tours, free app., lunch, & more—Tue., Oct 25, 9:00 to noon. Register at 455-9217

Purdue-Kokomo—“Purdue Preview Day”—tour, classroom time with profs., lunch-- Friday, Nov. 4, 9:00am to 1:00pm. Register at 765-496-7804

Ivy Tech—Call 765-459-0561 to schedule a day.

Seniors: Make sure you are using your spare time to accumulate volunteer hours. Volunteerism is a very important criteria for scholarships. Smart move is to do several projects but specialize in one, for example, helping regularly at the Rescue Mission cafeteria. Check the scholarship box in the CO.

Also, be sure to pick up information in the box for all the scholarships mentioned in the bulletins and listen to or read the Daily Announcements. You can also find them on the Taylor web page. Be sure to get copies of the flyers in the scholarship box, such as “How To Do” and “You’re a Senior” and the complete list of all Indiana colleges’ financial aid web sites. The individual colleges can alert you to a huge number of scholarships.

To see Mr. Short in the CO, leave your name with the secretary to be called from WIN. You may also e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Scholarship Bulletin 1

Scholarship Bulletin #1                                                                                                                 September 24, 2022

 This bulletin is available from the Counseling Office, Misters Bennett & Richey, the Taylor web page, you will also receive it by email. Updates can be found on the “Daily Announcements”; for parents to subscribe, contact Mrs. Lambert (ext. 190). Pick up applications in the Counseling Office. You will need to send in most of them. Entries marked with an *need to be returned to the Counseling Office for the Scholarship Committee.

(Note: Several colleges are offering extremely generous scholarships for students with outstanding grades and SAT scores if they apply for early enrollment.)

IU-B is offering numerous four-year scholarships for students meeting guidelines for SAT scores and GPAs.  Annual, renewable grants range from $1,000 to $8,000. Sergiy Chernetsky, Kenlee Woodard, and Ashley Nguyen received $8,000/year from this program. No scholarship application is necessary…just the regular IU admission application. Priority goes to students who apply for admission by Nov. 1. Go to the web site

Purdue gives some of its best scholarships—Trustees ($10,000/yr.) and Presidential ($4,000 to $8,000/yr.) to students admitted by Nov. 1. These are automatic and not based on need. Requirements are outstanding grades and SAT scores. Tyler Barnes ’08 received $5,000/yr. Martin Pendergast ’08 won $10,000/yr. McKenna Deckard ’15 received $8,000/yr. Visit

IUK’s Early Scholars Program date is Nov. 15.

SAT Review (free) (enter “sat prep”)

SAT Test Dates Register at (If you are in the 21st Century program, see Mrs. Marler for free registration.)
Saturday, November 5th = (Western HS) Deadline is October 7.

(Be sure to take right away; your scores may be requested for college admission.)

Free scholarship searches, go to or or or Jack Kent Cooke Foundation at

For colleges, majors, and financial aid, go to

IUK “VIP Day”—tours, free app., lunch & more—Oct. 25 Tue., 9:00-12:00. Register at 455-9217.

Ivy Tech arranges visits and tours individually. Call 459-0561

FAFSA Night Purdue Polytechnic, Inventrek (7 00 E. Firmin/Home Ave.) Sept. 29, 5:30. This
info. session is open to all, not just Purdue applicants. Take a parent!

To see me to discuss scholarships, leave your name with Mrs. Brankle. I’ll see you next time I’m here.  You can call me at ext. 184 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mission Statement

The Taylor School Community mission is to prepare and encourage our students for success in all life’s opportunities through the foundation of TITAN STYLE.

Vision Statement

Working together as the Taylor Learning Community, we will distinguish ourselves as a premiere educational site, ensuring a life of success and continued growth for all of our students.

From Roots to Wings: Grow, Soar, Inspire